August 2016 - August 2019
I started my teaching career in August 2016 at River City Scholars Charter Academy in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After my student teaching experience at Burton Elementary, also located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I knew I was geared towards more upper elementary and had a passion for inner-city students and communities.
During my three years at River City, I learned a tremendous amount from my students, families, and co-workers. While everyday seemed to bring a new challenge, I quickly became a master at classroom management and differentiation strategies. My students were coming to me all over the map, both academically, as well as socially and emotionally. I worked diligently to create a classroom atmosphere that embodied a new definition of family, care, and respect. Because of this, my students shined both in the classroom, on state assessments, and in extracurricular activities.
I will forever be grateful to River City and the knowledge I acquired in my short three years of teaching.
© Hannah Anderson
All photos used with the permission of the participants.